Solution To SSL Handshake Protocol And Messages

Handshake Message Description
ClientHello The client sends a Hello message to the server to initiate the negotiation of certain SSL session characteristics.
ServerHello ServerHello is the first response to the client-initiated ClientHello message. ServerHello can contain a server certificate and demand the client to authenticate to the server.
ServerKeyExchange If the server has no certificate or the certificate used does not support the Diffie-Hellman protocol, the server must exchange public keys with the client.
ServerHelloDone This message indicates that the server's portion of the Hello message is complete.
CertificateRequest The server sends this request to the client, asking the client to authenticate. The client will respond with either a certificate message or a NoCertificate alert.
CertificateMessage The contents of this message differ between the chosen public key algorithms. The client will try to respond with a suitable certificate based on the chosen encryption algorithm.
NoCertificate The client sends this alert stating that no suitable client certificate exists. This response can result in a termination of the SSL process if the server requires authentication.
ClientKeyExchange If the client forced the server to do a key exchange, the client will respond with its public key.
Finished This message is the last exchange between server and client before data transmission commences.