Adding SSL to Apache


The Apache server needs to be rebuilt with the module which interfaces to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL allows secure encrypted traffic between Apache and Web browsers.



  1. Configure Apache to use SSL
  2. We need to build the SSL module into Apache. We will take this opportunity to build in some other modules which we may need later and to save us from having to do more Apache builds. By now you should feel comfortable building Apache.

  3. Create a certificate
  4. We are going to create a self signed certificate for SSL. This would not be done in practice unless it is to be used in a local environment. For Internet use, a certificate would be obtained from a certificate authority.

  5. Configure Apache
  6. Start Apache.
  7. Verify insecure operations.
  8. Verify secure operation.
  9. Look at certificates in Mozilla.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a secure server!